A Grand way to celebrate our Homecoming to San Francisco Bay Area
Our favorite spot in Tomales Bay to stop for Oysters.
Tamales Bay Oyster Company Shack
Ah Shucks.....at Samuel Taylor Campground in Olema.
Only a dozen more left to shuck.
Fruits de Mer
We love Tomales Bay. We love the oysters, we love the hiking, we love the Cowgirl Creamery, and we love the camping. We also loved meeting up with old Rio Americano High School friends, and we loved visiting our Mexico sailing friends from Salt Shaker at Camp Run Amuck.
It was the P E R F E C T re-entry back to our City-By-The-Bay,
where we left our hearts over 2 years ago.
A new friend we met along our Tomales hike.
We took a day trip (what a drive!)
to Sea Ranch for a long walk and de-lish lunch.
Sea Ranch on a clear day looking north.
And it appears Spark enjoyed making a new "friend" at Sea Ranch.
Another day we drove to Sausalito to walk some of our favorites docks in the world,
where we acknowledged our True Natures as Gypsy Sailors.
Spark LOVES Sausalito too!
Then off to Molly Stone's for some camping supplies.
A Foodie's Paradise.
Back at Camp
Molly Stone's Crab Cakes served with Cowgirl Creamery Barrata, Roasted Tomatoes and a crisp and zesty Sauvignon Blanc.
A great way to celebrate our homecoming.
What's not to LOVE about coming home to San Francisco Bay Area?